Monday, May 20, 2013

Christ-Centered Relationships

Hello, ladies and gents! I know, I know. You may be wondering where I've been the past few months.... Well, I've been all over the place (I even went to Eurpoe!). I truly do love blogging for all of you, with the hope that I can touch even just one person with what I write.

Something that has been on my heart for a long time is a Christ-centered relationship. If you've read my testimony you know that in all my past relationships, God has been there but He hasn't been at the center. There are so many things out there that tell us, as followers of Christ, not to get into unequally-yoked relationships. Understandably so, after experiences in my last relationships! For a long time, I never knew what a Christ-centered relationship was. Though I love my parents dearly, and they've been married 23 years, Christ is definitely not at the center of their relationship! So, up until recently I haven't had many examples to follow... Which leads me to explaining why I'm writing this.

Many people have asked me, "How do I know I'm supposed to be with him?" or "How can I have a relationship worthy of Christ?" I'll be honest. Up until now, I had no idea how to respond. I had nothing to go off of, no examples to look to. So, I'm writing this post to answer those tell you what I believe a Christ-centered relationship should look like.

First off, you can't go into the relationship thinking, "I'm going to bring this person to Christ." That's the FIRST problem. Automatically, your relationship is unequally-yoked, and you become more focused on helping your significant other grow in Christ than you focus on Christ Himself. Why should we not have unequally yoked relationships? Because they can bring you down! Deuteronomy 7:3-4 says, "You shall not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons, for they would turn away your sons from following me, to serve other gods. Then the anger of the Lord would be kindled against you, and he would destroy you quickly." Believe it or not, it is much easier for someone to pull you down in your relationship with God than for you to pull them up into Christ's goodness and love. Believe it or not, being in a close relationship with someone who does not believe in Christ can destroy your relationship with Christ, as much as you'd like to think it won't/wouldn't happen. I've been there, and I've thought that. And in those moments, I've probably made my worst decisions.

To have a Christ-centered relationship, Christ has to be at the center of the lives of both people in the relationship. How else should it be? I can't see it working any other way! I also believe, that in a Christ-centered relationship, you should be comfortable talking to each other about Christ. If Christ is at the center, why should you fear talking about Him?

In a Christ-centered relationship, I truly believe you are attracted to that person's heart and passion for God rather than their outward appearance. Now, while the person you may be dating may be extremely attractive, that should not be what draws you towards them, what causes your feelings for them.You should be able to share your testimonies with each other. You should be able to love each other past flaws (everyone has them!). In a Christ-centered relationship, you should be willing to make sacrifices like Christ made for us, and love unconditionally as Christ loves us.

To me, the person you are dating, or even married to, should encourage you to grow in your faith, and you should encourage him/her! I strongly believe that going to church together, praying together (even if it's just in silence, holding hands), and studying the Bible together are things that can help you help each other grow in your faith, and can be an amazing experience in your relationship. Serving God and leading people in Christ are also both amazing experiences. However, I realize that these things may not work for every couple. And that's okay. Sometimes sharing what you've learned at church and during Bible study is even better. Sometimes you just need to know that someone is praying for you, and you know you have that in your significant other.

And finally, the part you all knew was coming (or so I hope), a Christ-centered relationship is one of purity. As a couple, you need to lead each other AWAY from temptations. In a relationship, it is so easy to fall into doing things you shouldn't be. Let the Holy Spirit guide you towards what a Christ-centered relationship really looks like.

While writing this, I found a few resources that may interest you, lovely, beautiful people. Feel free to check them out!
And that, folks, is a wrap. I hope today's blog spoke to you in some way, even just a little bit!

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