Thursday, October 25, 2012


I logged into Facebook today and this was one of the first posts I saw. THIS is so true. I absolutely love it and had to share it with you all! It may have been someone just taking their anger out, but sometimes that is when the truth comes out.

I have had it with the legalistic judgmental christians in this world! There are people out there that need support and encouragement not condemnation and discouragment . Some christians judge harsher than jesus did to us. After all we don't have the right to be rightous judges toward christian brothers and sisters when God himself has shown us such grace and mercy through jesus and the cross. God is my judge. I'm tired of christians tearing eachother down when we are supposed to build eachother and everyone around us up. This is wrong! And when someone has turned their back on God it is not our jobs to rescue them it is our job to show them christs love. Sometimes actions speak louder than words . Don't force it down their throat , you're only pushing them away. Show them Gods undying love and pray for them. God has a plan for them , remember he is sovereign and his will will be done. Its all part of his grander plan to show them his plan for their life. Do Not Bestow Judment upon other believers . You have not right. Jesus spread his arms for sinners , and we are all sinners folks. Spread your arms for the lost child and give them a hug. Don't condemn the saved. Do what jesus would do ! I'm fed up with it and I'm disgusted that I even feel the need to post this. Should brother turn against brother? Should sister turn against sister? I think not
As Christians, it can be easy for us to judge others, but we need to try to stray away from that. Why should WE be the judge of others' faults? That is not our job. That is God's job, and ONLY His job. We are not God. As Christians, as it is stated above, we are to show them God's love and pray for them. We don't like it when we are judged by others, so why should we judge them? Again, we have no right. That is God's right alone. 
 As I like to say, "Don't judge me." Why? Because nobody really can. If they do, it shouldn't matter. God is THE ONLY ONE who can judge you!

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